Help collect 25,000 signatures by December 25th to change the voting system!
There are two major barriers to changing the voting system – not enough people understand the benefits of proportional representation, and not enough politicians are hearing about it. Let’s change that together!
Our voting system is at the heart of everything that matters to us, from the economy to environmental issues, equality, and Indigenous rights. Your family, friends, and fellow Canadians need to know why proportional representation is important to the issues that matter to them and affect us all.
All I Want for Christmas is a Proportional Voting System!
The Steps:
1. Sign the Petition to Change the Voting System here.
2. Share a picture or video of yourself with a sign saying “All I Want for Christmas is a Proportional Voting System!” Remember to include #Canadians4PR. Feel free to replace ‘Christmas’ with whatever holiday you celebrate.
3. At the top of your post, copy and customize the following message with one sentence about why a having a proportional voting system is important to you. Then tag 3 more friends to do the same:
#Canadians4PR I’m helping to collect 25,000 signatures by Dec. 25th to change the federal voting system at Having a proportional voting system is important to me because….. Please sign and share why proportional representation is important to you!
4. If you want, tag three friends to take the challenge.
5. Feel free to tell your friends more about why proportional representation is important to you.
Here are some ways Canadians have finished the sentence, “Having a proportional voting system is important to me because…”
- “…every party will have their fair share of representation and no party will have an unfair advantage.”
- “…I won’t have to vote strategically anymore and can vote for who I actually want.”
- “…it will finally give rural voters an equal say.”
- “…Proportional Representation will help elect more women.”
- “…it will help elect more Indigenous people and make government more accountable to us.”
- “…I want to prevent what is happening to politics in Ontario from happening to Canada.”
- “…we will be able to elect parties that will make progress on climate change.”
- “…I believe that it will make our individual votes more powerful, and reduce the influence of big business.”
- “…knowing that my vote will always count will make the process of voting a lot more exciting!”
- “…as a student I want to vote for parties that will represent the concerns of young people, like affordable university tuition and climate change.”
- “…I am a future voter and I want my vote to count.”
Print a sign or make your own:
- [download id=”367″]
- [download id=”374″]
- [download id=”372″]
- [download id=”370″]