Change the Voting System Challenge!
There are two major barriers to changing the voting system – not enough people understand proportional representation, and not enough politicians are hearing about it. Let’s change that together!
Our voting system is at the heart of everything that matters to us, from the economy to environmental issues, equality, and indigenous rights. Your family, friends, and fellow Canadians need to know why proportional representation is important to the issues that affect us all.
- Sign the Petition to Change the Voting System at
- Share the petition page, or share a picture or video of yourself describing why a proportional voting system is important to you. Remember to include #Canadians4PR.
- At the top of your post, write the following to tell your friends why PR is important to the Canadians you are representing, and tag 3 more friends to do the same:
#Canadians4PR There is less than one year until the next federal election. I am challenging myself to get # of my friends to sign the petition at to change our federal voting system. Having a proportional voting system is important to me because….. Please help me reach my goal! Sign the petition and let me know in the comments. I am challenging friend1, friend2, and friend3 to do the same!
4. Feel free to tell your friends more about why proportional representation is important to you.
- I am a Canadian for a Proportional Voting System because….
- I am a #Canadian4PR and protecting the environment.
- I am a #Canadian4PR and a more stable economy.
- I am an Indigenous #Canadian4PR.
- I am a #Canadian4PR and more women in government.
- I am a young voting #Canadian4PR.
- I am a #Canadian4PR and eliminating poverty.
- I am a future voting #Canadian4PR.